Brane Data Monitoring

Brane is our in-house security event management solution tool and service installed in your network devices to feed data, log your whole environment, and find anomalies from different regions of your network.

With Brane, you can track data movement within your company and document behaviours to recognize breaches and alert our SOC team to report anomalies and correlated activities.

Detect user anomaly behaviors that SIEM tools miss
Advanced asset management – beyond SIEM security thinking
Fast investigation and easy threat hunting
See critical events through user behavior analysis
Auto-correlation and risk profiling simplifying security analysis

Why cloudCENTRX?

M-Theory’s cloudCENTRX security event management will get you Brane SOC-as-a-Service and network up, installed, and deployed quickly, comprehensively, and with up to x licenses free for one year – No Obligation Agreement required.

Tech Specs

Leverage all existing assets
Improve team productivity
Prioritize high-fidelity alerts
Integrate through open-APIs
Normalize and fuse data to drive content
Single pain-of-glass across heterogeneous toolsets.

User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

Detect user anomaly behaviors that SIEM tools miss
Advanced asset management-beyond SIEM security thinking
Fast investigation and easy threat hunting

See critical events through user behavior analysis
Auto correlation and risk profiling simplifying security analysis

Minimum Qualifications Criteria

You have cybersecurity concerns
You love your organization
You know the value of security management
Your organization is headquartered in the United States
Your organization has 50+ employees
You are a new customer to M-Theory

Get your year of cloudCENTRX’s Brane
SOC-as-a-Service Network here